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Creating Serious Spaceship Panels!

Back in 1985, some school friends and I turned our mate Brian's bedroom into the interior of a spaceship! This was for a movie called, Circles of a World. We all loved Star Wars and simply wanted to make our own epic sci-fi movie.

Martin, Brian and myself had sourced giant sheets of cardboard in which we built the walls. Martin wired up Brian's TV to be a futuristic viewings panel. He also built a light within the main control desk that would become the brain of the ship.

We had a VHSC camera, and made the movie. We didn't realize it would take a year to make and involve wiring up 2 VHS recorders to edit the thing- but what a magical experience it was and considering we were just kids, what a movie...! (It even won an award at the 5th Tokyo Film Festival!)

38 Years later, and we're at it again! Martin built some flashing panels for last years shoot and they worked a treat. In the images below, they look pretty bright - but you have to remember, that in a dark spaceship, these flashing lights look great.

For the shoots we're doing next, I asked Martin if he could build some bigger panels - and as ever, he embraced the opportunity with that same schoolboy enthusiasm. It wasn't before long, the update photos would roll in...

The work started with what looked like a mass of spaghetti...!

But soon, they began to take shape - and yesterday, Martin sent me the final panels, and boy do they look good,...!

So a very big thank you to may old buddy Martin for creating magic again. When you finally see the movie, make sure you keep an eye out for Martin's amazing work - you're going to love it!

Don't forget, we're still crowdfunding to pay for the next block of shooting for, Of Infinite Worlds. If you would like to help, just click on the picture below. (Thank you!!)

And should you be brave enough (or have too much time on your hands), here is CIRCLES OF A WORLD, the sci-fi movie we made in Brian's bedroom back in 1985:

Thanks for all the support and encouragement by the way, you have been amazing!

Cheers and all the best.


Simon Cox - Writer & director - Of Infinite Worlds

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