The Oppressor is the vast and powerful warship which is controlled by TORG, one of our main characters in the film. This is a cold and bleak place to be in.
Below are some 3d concept images built by Jamie Bakewell and his team at Bigtooth Studios in the West Midlands.

Our plan is to build part of this an an actual physical film set and the rest using green screen.
Below are some images of the outside of the ship. This model was built by Richard Dixon and these are pictures I took in my back garden (eat your heart out George Lucas!).

This model will soon be scanned into 3d so that we can fly it in Unreal Engine as well as filming the actual model too. It's all coming together very well and I can't wait to start seeing shots we've created with them.
As you may already know, we're funding this movie through sales from our merchandise. If you fancy helping to get this movie finished, please do buy a mug, t-shirt or anything from our shop. In return, we'll put you on our mailing list and keep you updated with our progress. It'll be a fun ride for sure!
Thank you so much for all your help so far.
Simon Cox - Writer & Director - Of Infinite Worlds
I see you have two Beryllium Spheres - Always good to have a back-up! All the best with this Simon! Love John & Rebecca xxx 😎